How To Tackle A Subterranean Termite Infestation In Naples

Subterranean Termites

Florida's warm and humid climate attracts all types of pests to this area. Unfortunately, some of these pests can be extremely destructive and cause a lot of damage to your home. One such pest is the subterranean termite. These small insects are known to invade homes in large numbers and consume the wood in and around your house. 

At Keller's Pest Control, our Naples pest control specialists have been handling termite infestations for decades. We know the best way to tackle a termite problem and how to keep them from coming back. 

The Life Cycle Of Subterranean Termites

Termites have three stages of life. All termites in Naples start as an egg and will go through a process called incomplete metamorphosis as they reach full maturity. On average, it takes about a year for a termite to go from an egg to an adult. Here is a closer look at the life cycle of a subterranean termite:

  • Egg: Subterranean termites lay eggs that look like extremely tiny spheres. They are somewhat translucent and are usually an off-white color. Normally, a termite egg will hatch about 30 days after being laid.
  • Nymph: When the egg finally hatches, a small termite nymph will emerge. These nymphs look similar to adult termites but have no wings. When they are first born, they are completely dependent on the worker termites. These adult termites will feed and take care of them until they become independent. During this stage, the termite will grow and shed its skin about five times. The nymph stage can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. 
  • Adult: Termite colonies consist of three castes. Once a termite reaches full maturity, it will become either a worker, a soldier, or a reproductive.

The worker termites resemble little white ants and build and expand the nest, take care of the termite nymphs, and find food. The soldier termites have a similar appearance but darker heads and larger mandibles. They have one job: to defend the nest against predators. The king and queen termites are the only reproductive termites that will produce offspring in the colony. There are other reproductive termites, called alates, that have wings. The alates are also known as swarmer termites because they will swarm nearby areas looking for a new place to mate and build a colony of their own. Once they mate, they discard their wings and begin a new nest.  

The Damage Subterranean Termites Can Cause To Your Home

Subterranean termites can cause extensive damage to your home and other structures. These termites are able to eat about five grams of wood each day. If you have a large colony that contains over 100,000 termites, it won't take long before you start to notice damage to your home, which could include sagging floors, sticky windows and doors, drooping ceilings, and other signs of structural damage. On average, termites result in over five billion dollars of expense in the United States each year. 

You Shouldn't Try To Get Rid Of Subterranean Termites Alone

If you have ever tried to get rid of subterranean termites on your own, you know it can be extremely difficult, if not impossible. Because these termites live underground, there are many challenges that come with trying to eradicate an entire colony. Many times, homeowners are able to kill some of the worker termites, but getting rid of the other members of the termite colony should be left to the professionals. 

The Best Way To Protect Your Home From Subterranean Termites

If you see any signs of subterranean termites around your Naples home, you should act quickly. At Keller's Pest Control, we have been locating and eliminating termites for over two decades. Give us a call today and ask about our same-day service options!

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